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Another year, another yearly review post. 2021 felt like pretty much 2020 part II for a lot of people, me included. The ongoing pandemic still affected our lives, and even though most people in my country are now vaccinated (including me), the danger still exists and preventive measures are still necessary. But it’s nice to be able to start doing things and going places we haven’t been able to for a while. I personally think this situation is still going to drag on for a while, but we’ll adapt to it with time.

Mental Health

Last year, I wrote a bit about doomscrolling, and how it started affecting me until I decided to avoid this behavior. I tried to keep avoiding it this year, and I think I succeeded. I’m not blind to what’s going on - I still know the world is a dumpster fireat the moment and in many ways it was even worse than 2020 - but I think I was successful in not dwelling on the bad news and the daily absurdities going on.

That doesn’t mean my mental health didn’t take a hit though. The year started with the loss of a person I held dear - a victim of the inexcusable vaccination delays and genocidal actions of our leaders - and I felt like I lost a bit of control over my work-life-balance for a portion of the year.

This year I also started therapy though, which I feel is a good way to deal with the growing anxiety from the past few years. I’ve been able to know more about myself and how my brain works, so I can focus on what I found out to improve my life, one day at a time.

Work Life

Early this year I changed jobs, and started working as a contractor. This has given me more freedom to make my own hours and allowed me to work with a more diverse set of people. It took me a while to use this freedom the right way, though. For a few months I felt like my work-life balance was off, and I felt like my energy was being drained fast. Luckily I was able to notice the early signs of a burnout and took a step back to avoid it. I am now working on my 2nd project as a contractor and I feel that getting the work hours under control allowed me to do my work better, since my mind gets the time to rest.

Learning and Comparing

Most of the learning I did this year was on my day job, and not personal projects. Last year, I worked a lot with Angular and Vue 2. This year, I worked with Vue 3, React and PHP (😩), and on my personal time I started to practice my Svelte skills. That’s a lot of frameworks!

Although every project is different, working with components makes you solve similar problems all the time. And after having worked with basically all mainstream frameworks for a bit, I feel like I can see pros and cons to each of them:




My experience with React has not been as extensive as the other ones here, so I think I’m still not past the point of “initial impressions”. Still, here are my thoughts:


I have a clear favorite here, but I feel that Svelte hits the sweet spot in many ways.

Personal Projects

I didn’t work on many personal projects this year, as I was already learning a lot on my day job. I did, however, completely rewrite my website!

I really liked the previous one, but I wanted to change some things about it and use something more flexible than Jekyll. So I completely redesigned it using Figma - while retaining some design elements from before - and rewrote it with SvelteKit. I wrote a blog post talking more about the experience, which also became my most-read post of all time. Nice!

Speaking of blog posts, I doubled the amount of posts published compared to last year! Which means I wrote… 4 (excluding this one). I wanted to write more, but compared to the 2 posts from last year, it’s still an improvement, right?


Not everything is code and gloom - I also do some fun things every once in a while.

TV and Movies


What to Expect in 2022

Later in the year I’m also temporarily moving to Italy for a few months with my (soon-to-be) wife. It’s going to be some sort of test drive - we’ll return to Brazil before the year ends and then decide if living abroad is something we want or not.

As for this blog, I hope to again write more than I did this year. I have a few ideas in the oven, but have been struggling to write them down. Hopefully the big life changes are the inspiration I need.

I also have some ideas for some personal projects that may or may not see the light of day. Let’s see how it goes.

Wrapping Up

2021 was overall a weird year, but I feel 2022 is going to have more going on. I wish you happy holidays and that you have a memorable 2022. See you then!